The civilized "sexuality salon"
where sophisticated men and women
explore desires with creativity and intellect
as well as sensuality.


  1. Spanking as sexual adventure and way of life is clearly on the rise. The stereotypical pairing -- tall, dark and handsome with pretty, worshipful wife -- is in decline. Women are choosing males with submissive natures, a consequence of the swelling number of women led households, and increased power in the workplace. Women rebuke men in public: telling them to be quiet, suggesting they will be dealt with later. In recent years I have been threatened with a spanking by a number of women. I always blush (can't help it) and wonder if she really means it, or how much she means it. The point is -- back in the day such a remark would be rare indeed. In cities, it is not uncommon to see a women leading her male by the hand, and it seldom seems playful. How many sons and daughters have witnessed mommy correcting daddy and slapping his bottom? Whatever the number, it is infinitely higher than it was 20 years ago. I can see a day, perhaps 10 years from now, when women commonly discuss spanking their husbands, and demanding "eye candy" in the office. Am I a dreamer?

    1. Time should have made it clear to you that your attitude is not only wrong but idiotic! In an age of D. Trump, certain women need to be careful not to suffer exactly what you told men to suffer. And as your attitude shows, rightly so!

    2. bayernhoerlisdumb8/28/22, 3:34 PM

      Time should have made clear to you that YOUR ATTITUDE IS VERY WRONG AND IDIOTIC!

      Female Led Relationship is perfectly acceptable, and you are proving that you are stupid by mocking the author!


  2. When I spank my husband I like to begin with him in panties. I usually keep him shaved also. I prefer him in panties and wearing a shirt. I then bend him over a chair or across a table for his spanking. His panties are lowered to his thighs during the spanking

    1. What is his reaction to having to wear panties?

    2. what a lucky boy!!!!!!!

    3. He’s humiliated by having to wear panties. He’d prefer a spanking. Usually he gets both.

  3. Has anyone given a man a diaper position spanning on her lap. Just curious. Have never seen that yet it seems so erotic

  4. Maybe I am on the wrong site. My marriage is different from the above. I lead from the bottom I suppose but still get spanked out of choice. I also hate feminising stuff which I think is very unhealthy.

  5. Humiliation/embarrassment I'd say is the best part of spanking my husband. I allow him a shirt and panties. He knows a spanking is coming but not when. At the right time, he goes over a desk. I paddle him over his panties. Sooner or later I stop and make him lower his panties. Then I begin again.
    Often I have a girlfriend over. Sometimes she can hear the spanking and his yelps but can't see it. He returns to the living room in his panties and shirt. He's very embarrassed knowing she hears the punishment.
    Other girlfriends watch. The panties and the girls humiliate him. We all enjoy it immensely.

    1. My wife does like to add embarrassment to the pain of the spankin/canings /she gives me, which which seem to be getting more frequent! It might be in response to the fact that the ladies she knows and invites to be be present are on the look out for me breaking any of her Rules! Last week I was seen having a chat with a former girlfried who happened to be in a pub my Office friends visit at lunch times ! my wife did not see that as an excuse and she took early action inviting four ladies friends to watch me being undressed and my T shirt pinned up back and front so all was realed ! I blushed deep red and went over her knees for a warm up spanking which they joined in givingme quite hard slaps. Then she produced her long rattan cane as I bent down clutching my ankles for 12 really stinging strokes! hey all came upto me to examine my red weald bottom and thighs adding more slaps!Still swe made up later although I was sore and feeling twinges of shooting pain !

  6. well, as me and my wife are married for 17 years now, out of which 15 years of spanking, i can say that spanking helped stabilizing our marriage, now she doesn't tend to spank me often as our early years, i can say that i get spanked once each 6 weeks as an average

  7. My girlfriend has been spanking me for several years now. It started off when she gave me a few playful swats. I dared her to put me across her knee and spank me properly; she did and we both enjoyed it. At first she just spanked me with her hand, then we bought a paddle. The first time she used the paddle she was reluctant to hit too hard and I said I could barely feel anything. This must have annoyed her, she started bringing the paddle down very hard, alternating from cheek to cheek. At the time I didn't realize how hard she was paddling me because I was so excited. It was not until afterwards that I found I could not sit down, even on a cushion, without great discomfort. I spent the next few hours standing up or lying down. I had mixed feelings about this: it was a nuisance not being able sit down, but at the same time I liked the reminder that I had been soundly spanked.

    Besides spanking me across her knee in private, she sometimes gives me a few firm swats on my bottom (fully clothed) in public. She seems to like doing this in front of other women. I wonder if any other women do this?

  8. This is inspirational! I'd love to try it!

  9. My wife has assumed the DomWife roll and is digging it. She has been making lists of things she expects completed each day. When she arrives home from work, she expects me to meet her at the door, with my list in hand. For each item that is not completed, she adds a lick. So, my licks start at 10, then she adds the infractions. If I have 3 infractions, then I’ll have 13 licks. She administers my licks with a paddle or a leather belt. Infractions can fall in many categories. If she thinks I’ve eaten too much or didn’t let her know where I was or didn’t answer my cell when she called. She has told me countless times in her most loving way, that she is making me more attentive, less lazy, an all around better man.

  10. This sounds like my wife. However, if I masturbate without her permission, that will cost me ten licks. I’m on an orgasm schedule. If I step out and pleasure myself, I’ll pay for it dearly. One or both ways, additional licks and/or extending the number of days before she allows me to release.


Tell me what your thinking!